Integrating NMI (Network Merchants Inc) with FoxyCart is a simple process. Here are the steps you would need to take:

  1. Sign up for an NMI account. This will provide you with the necessary Gateway ID and Gateway Password required for integration.
  2. Log in to your FoxyCart account and navigate to the “Store Settings” page.
  3. Under the “Payment Gateway” section, select “NMI” from the drop-down menu.
  4. Enter your NMI Gateway ID and Gateway Password into the corresponding fields.
  5. Under the “Transaction Type” section, select the type of transaction you would like to process. FoxyCart supports both “Authorize and Capture” and “Authorize Only” transactions.
  6. Under the “Transaction URL” section, enter the appropriate transaction URL for your account. The default is, but check with NMI to confirm that the URL matches the account you are using.
  7. Next, check if you want to enable the option “Test Mode” to test your integration before going live.
  8. Click the “Save Changes” button to save your settings.
  9. Test your integration by placing a test order through your FoxyCart-powered store.

Once your integration is complete, you should be able to process NMI transactions through your FoxyCart store. Keep in mind that you should test your integration thoroughly before going live and always check with NMI for the most up-to-date information and troubleshoot any potential issue.
