Pipedrive is a sales CRM (customer relationship management) tool designed to help businesses manage their sales pipeline effectively. It helps sales teams to track their leads, deals, and interactions with customers, and it provides a visual representation of the sales pipeline to help teams focus on the right deals at the right time.

Here’s how Pipedrive works:

  1. Manage Leads: Pipedrive allows you to manage all your leads in one place. You can add leads manually or import them from other sources like email or spreadsheets.
  2. Create Deals: Once you’ve added your leads, you can create deals and track them through the sales pipeline. Each deal can be customized with specific information, such as the deal value, expected closing date, and deal stage.
  3. Organize Activities: Pipedrive allows you to create and manage activities associated with each deal. You can schedule meetings, set reminders, and track all communication with the customer in one place.
  4. Track Progress: The visual sales pipeline in Pipedrive allows you to track the progress of each deal and see which deals are in each stage of the sales process. This helps you to focus on the deals that are most likely to close and prioritize your sales efforts.
  5. Generate Reports: Pipedrive offers a range of reports to help you understand your sales performance, track your team’s progress, and identify areas for improvement.
  6. Integrate with Other Tools: Pipedrive integrates with a wide range of other tools, including email, marketing automation, and project management software, to streamline your sales process and improve efficiency.

Here are some of the main features of Pipedrive:

  1. Sales Pipeline Management: Pipedrive provides a visual representation of your sales pipeline, allowing you to see where each deal is in the sales process and prioritize your sales efforts accordingly.
  2. Lead Management: Pipedrive allows you to manage your leads and keep track of all interactions with them, including emails, calls, and meetings.
  3. Deal Management: You can create and manage deals in Pipedrive, customize them with specific information, such as deal value and expected closing date, and track them through the sales pipeline.
  4. Activity Management: Pipedrive allows you to schedule and manage all your sales activities, including meetings, calls, and follow-ups, in one place.
  5. Reporting and Analytics: Pipedrive provides a range of reports and analytics to help you track your sales performance, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions.
  6. Email Integration: Pipedrive integrates with popular email platforms like Gmail and Outlook, allowing you to manage all your communication with customers in one place.
  7. Mobile App: Pipedrive has a mobile app that allows you to manage your sales pipeline and stay on top of your sales activities, even when you’re on the go.
  8. Customization: Pipedrive is highly customizable, allowing you to add custom fields, create custom sales stages, and tailor the CRM to your business needs.
  9. Integrations: Pipedrive integrates with a wide range of other tools, including marketing automation, project management, and e-commerce software, to streamline your sales process and improve efficiency.

Here are some of the main advantages and disadvantages of using Pipedrive:


  1. Intuitive Interface: Pipedrive has a user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate and customize, making it easy to get started with and use.
  2. Visual Sales Pipeline: Pipedrive’s visual sales pipeline provides a clear and organized overview of all your deals, making it easy to track progress and prioritize your sales efforts.
  3. Customization: Pipedrive allows you to customize the CRM to your business needs, including adding custom fields and creating custom sales stages.
  4. Integrations: Pipedrive integrates with a wide range of other tools, including email, marketing automation, and project management software, making it easy to streamline your sales process and improve efficiency.
  5. Mobile App: Pipedrive has a mobile app that allows you to manage your sales pipeline and stay on top of your sales activities, even when you’re on the go.


  1. Limited Marketing Automation: Pipedrive’s marketing automation features are limited compared to other CRM tools, which can be a drawback if you rely heavily on marketing automation in your sales process.
  2. Limited Reporting and Analytics: While Pipedrive offers some basic reporting and analytics features, they are not as robust as some other CRM tools, which can make it difficult to gain deep insights into your sales performance.
  3. Limited Customization: While Pipedrive allows for some customization, it is not as flexible as some other CRM tools, which may be a drawback for businesses with complex sales processes.
  4. Price: Pipedrive’s pricing can be relatively expensive compared to other CRM tools, especially for larger teams or businesses with complex sales processes.

Pipedrive integrates with a variety of payment gateways to help you manage your sales process and transactions. Some of the payment gateways that work with Pipedrive include:

  1. Stripe
  2. PayPal
  3. Square
  4. Braintree
  5. Authorize.Net
  6. Worldpay
  7. Adyen
  8. 2Checkout
  9. BlueSnap
  10. PayU

Overall, Pipedrive is a powerful and intuitive sales CRM tool that helps businesses manage their sales pipeline effectively, stay organized, and close deals faster.
